SNP MSP Emma Roddick has highlighted a rare agreement between landlords, tenants, and their representative organisations on the need for stronger, more reliable data to guide housing policies.
Ms Roddick is pushing for amendments to the Scottish Government’s Housing Bill to improve data collection, arguing that relying on advertised rents from platforms like Zoopla is neither fair nor accurate for making key policy decisions.
She believes the current approach leaves both tenants and landlords at a disadvantage, with policies shaped by incomplete or misleading information.
Speaking on the matter, Ms Roddick stated:
“There is a rare and encouraging consensus from both landlords and tenants that decisions should be based on actual, factual data, not just a snapshot of rental adverts.”
She emphasised the importance of robust evidence for introducing rent control zones, stressing that local authorities need to justify their decisions with solid, standardised data.
“Landlords deserve to understand how and why rent control zones are introduced, and tenants need to see that these policies are based on their lived realities, not a random listing,” she said.
Ms Roddick also pointed out the problems with rent prices being influenced by data that doesn’t reflect what people are truly paying.
“We’re in a situation where rents don’t align with Zoopla adverts, but the policies still treat them as if they do.
“This has real consequences for everyone.”
She continues to work closely with the Housing Committee and Housing Minister to identify practical ways to gather better data that reflects the real-world rental market.
By improving how rental data is collected and used, Ms Roddick hopes to ensure future housing decisions are informed, balanced, and fair for all.