Scotland’s Chief Statistician has released the latest Council Tax Collection Statistics which provides Council Tax collection figures for Scottish local authorities, up to and including the financial year 2023-24.
In 2023-24 for Scotland as a whole, the total amount of Council Tax billed (after Council Tax Reduction) was £3.015 billion.
Of this total, £2.879 billion, or 95.5 per cent, was collected by 31 March 2024.
This provisional in-year collection rate is slightly lower than the figure for the previous year (96.2 per cent).
Between 1999-00 and 2023-24, the overall total amount of Council Tax billed in Scotland was £50.974 billion, of which £49.545 billion, or 97.2 per cent, was collected by 31 March 2024.
Provisional in-year Council Tax collection rates for 2023-24 ranged from 92.5 per cent to 97.7 per cent across the 32 local authorities.
In-year collection rates have exceeded 95 per cent over the past twelve years, except in 2020-21 during the Covid-19 pandemic.