A high number of calls to The Highland Council’s dedicated COVID-19 helpline continue to be dealt with on a daily basis.
The 0300 303 1362 has been set to give assistance on urgent COVID issues and to collect details of individuals and community groups looking to provide volunteering support.
There is a separate helpline for anyone who receives a Shielding letter from the NHS requiring them to self- isolate for 12 weeks.
This is 01349 886669 and if they require urgent help with food or medicine, they should telephone the number provided in their letter.
On average we are now dealing with 200 calls a day to our COVAID-19 helpline.
In total council staff and volunteers from Eden Court have dealt with just short of 3000 calls since the launch on 25th March.
The majority of these calls have been about seeking support for businesses, along with enquiries about how to volunteer
The Helpline is normally open between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday but for to the Easter holiday weekend the hours tomorrow (Friday 10 April) and Monday 13 April will be 10am – 4pm.
All calls are free.
The Council is reminding people that they can use the online forms to make payments, report problems and request a service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
These can be accessed by visiting www.highland.gov.uk or other urgent Council business by telephoning 01349 886602.
To report a problem click here
To request a service click here
For further information, latest coronavirus developments and changes to key Council services click here