HRH The Princess Royal opened a new facility which will support the growth of the life sciences sector across Scotland today (Tuesday 18 April).
The £9.5m Life Sciences Innovation Centre on Inverness Campus is the result of a collaboration between Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI).
The development has been supported with funding from the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal and the European Regional Development Fund.
HRH The Princess Royal, UHI’s Chancellor, toured the new centre and unveiled a plaque at a celebratory event.
She was joined by over 100 invited guests, including Professor Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, former Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England and now Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of Nottingham.
The centre will attract more life science companies to the region and encourage collaboration between academic researchers, industry and the health sector, supporting the development of new products, processes and services to improve healthcare.
Designed by Austin-Smith:Lord and built by Robertson Construction, it offers flexible laboratory and office space and provides access to specialist equipment and resources.
The building forms part of a wider project with the NHS National Treatment Centre – Highland on Inverness Campus, which is open to patients this week.
The three organisations will integrate academic healthcare research, delivery of clinical care to patients and the creation of new commercial opportunities, products and services in health science and technology.
Between them, the developments are forecast to support more than 200 jobs.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Vicki Nairn, UHI Principal and Vice-Chancellor, said:
“It has been a privilege to open our new shared Life Sciences Innovation Centre today.
“This event marks the beginning of another ambitious venture with HIE and the start of a new era for life sciences across our operating area.
“In partnership with HIE, we will be working to establish this new centre as a facility of international significance.
“It will strengthen partnerships with industry and the NHS to develop technologies which will have a positive and possibly life-changing impact on our communities and wider society.
“The new centre will allow us to increase our existing research in fields such as medical nanotechnology and active health and will help us to provide even greater support to the life sciences and health sectors.
“It represents a significant investment in the future and will generate economic benefits for our communities through innovation, commercialisation, company and job creation and by attracting and retaining talent.”
Stuart Black, HIE’s Chief Executive, said:
“The Life Sciences Innovation Centre will support commercial enterprises, including new business start-ups and organisations looking to establish a presence in the Highlands and Islands.
“The partnership approach and alignment with the National Treatment Centre – Highland is very much in keeping with the collaborative ethos of Inverness Campus.
“The benefits will extend across the region and support the continued growth of the life sciences sector.
“All of this will help to attract and retain talent for the region.
“We are delighted to see the official opening of the building and to welcome our first tenants.”
UK Government Minister Felicity Buchan said:
“The expansion of Inverness Campus is a huge boost for the life sciences sector, helping to attract investment to the area and create highly skilled local jobs in research and technology.
“The opening of the new Life Sciences Innovation Centre, supported with £9 million from the UK Government through the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal, shows what is possible when we come together with the Scottish Government, local authorities and partners to deliver a shared vision for people in Scotland.
“This forms part of significant investment from the UK Government to level up Scotland and grow the Scottish economy.
“This includes over £1.5 billion for City and Growth Deals in Scotland and millions more in levelling up funding to transform communities in Inverness and across the UK.”
Scottish Government Innovation Minister Richard Lochhead said:
“The opening of the new Life Sciences Innovation Centre represents a new and exciting development for this key sector of the Highlands and Islands economy.
“It is great to see £4.8 million of funding from Highland and Islands Enterprise, which includes £1.2 million from the European Regional Development Fund, supporting such an inspiring project, and I welcome the spirit of collaboration between all partners involved in getting to this stage.
“The centre’s role as a significant driver for future growth in this area is particularly valuable, and the new inward investment and jobs it generates will deliver a significant boost to the local economy and community.
“I look forward to seeing the research, innovation and opportunities that will come from the centre.”
The new Life Sciences Innovation Centre has benefited from £4.96m of funding awarded by the European Regional Development Fund Scotland Programme 2014-2020.
This is made up of awards of £1.21m to HIE and £3.75m to UHI.
UHI’s life sciences programme, including its element of the Life Sciences Innovation Centre, secured £9m from the UK Government through the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal, which is managed by The Highland Council.
The Deal is a joint initiative supported by up to £315m investment from the UK and Scottish governments, The Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and UHI, aimed at stimulating sustainable regional economic growth.
For more information on the Life Sciences Innovation Centre, visit
Ionad Ùr-ghnàthachaidh Nuadh airson nan Saidheansan Beatha a’ fosgladh air Àrainn Inbhir Nis
Dh’fhosgail A h-Àirdeachd Rìoghail A’ Bhana-phrionnsa Rìoghail goireas ùr a chuireas taic ri fàs ann an roinn nan saidheansan beatha air feadh na h-Alba an-diugh (Dimàirt 18 Giblean).
Thàinig an t-Ionad Ùr-ghnàthachaidh Saidheansan Beatha luach £9.5m air Àrainn Inbhir Nis à co-obrachadh eadar Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ‘s nan Eilean (HIE) agus Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean (UHI). Tha an leasachadh seo air taic-airgid fhaighinn bho Chùmhnant Baile-Roinne Inbhir Nis is na Gàidhealtachd agus Maoin Leasachaidh Roinneil na h-Eòrpa.
Chaidh A h-Àirdeachd Rìoghail A’ Bhana-phrionnsa Rìoghail, Seansalair UHI, air chuairt timcheall an ionaid ùir agus leig i ris plaig ann an cuirm-chomharrachaidh. Còmhla rithe bha còrr is 100 aoigh, nam measg an t-Àrd-Ollamh Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, a bha na Iar-Phrìomh Oifigear Meidigeach airson Sasainn agus a tha a-nis na Leas-Iar-Sheansalair aig Oilthigh Nottingham.
Tàlaidh an t-ionad barrachd chompanaidhean saidheans beatha don sgìre agus brosnaichidh e co-obrachadh eadar luchd-rannsachaidh acadaimigeach, gnìomhachas agus earrainn na slàinte, agus e a’ toirt taic do chruthachadh bathar, phròiseasan agus sheirbheisean ùra gus cùram-slàinte a leasachadh. Agus e air a dhealbhadh le Austin-Smith:Lord agus air a thogail le Robertson Construction, tha e a’ tabhann àitichean obair-lainn agus oifis so-fhreagarrach agus a’ toirt cothrom air uidheamachd agus goireasan speisealaichte.
Tha an togalach mar phàirt de phròiseact nas fharsainge an co-bhoinn ri Ionad Leighis Nàiseanta SNS na Gàidhealtachd air Àrainn Inbhir Nis, a tha fosgailte do dh’euslaintich an t-seachdain seo. Bidh na trì buidhnean a’ fighe ri chèile rannsachadh acadaimigeach air cùram slàinte, lìbhrigeadh cùram clionaigeach do dh’euslaintich agus cruthachadh chothroman malairteach, bathar agus seirbheisean ùra ann an saidheans agus teicneòlas slàinte. Eatorra, tha dùil gum bi na leasachaidhean seo nam bunait do chòrr is 200 cosnadh.
Agus i a’ bruidhinn aig an tachartas fosglaidh, thuirt Vicki Nairn, Prionnsapal agus Iar-Sheansalair UHI: “Bha e na urram dhuinn an t-Ionad Ùr-ghnàthachaidh Saidheansan Beatha coitcheann nuadh againn fhosgladh an-diugh. Tha an tachartas seo a’ comharrachadh toiseach iomairt àrd-amasach eile còmhla ri HIE agus tùs linn ùr do na saidheansan beatha air feadh an raoin-obrachaidh againn. Ann an com-pàirteachas le HIE, bidh sinn ag obair gus an t-ionad ùr seo a stèidheachadh mar ghoireas a bhios cudromach aig an ìre eadar-nàiseanta. Neartaichidh e com-pàirteachasan le gnìomhachas agus le SNS gus teicneòlasan a chruthachadh aig am bi buaidh a bhios a chum leas agus a dh’fhaodadh atharrachadh a thoirt air beatha dhaoine sna coimhearsnachdan againn agus sa chomann-shòisealta san fharsaingeachd.
“Leis an ionad ùr bidh comas againn leudachadh a thoirt air an rannsachadh làithreach againn ann an raointean leithid nano-theicneòlas meidigeach agus slàinte ghnìomhach agus bidh e na chuideachadh dhuinn gus an toir sinn barrachd taice fhathast do dh’earrainnean nan saidheansan beatha agus na slàinte. Is e tasgadh mòr a tha seo a tha ga chur san àm ri teachd agus thig buannachdan eaconamach na lùib do ar coimhearsnachdan tro ùr-ghnàthachadh, malairteachadh, cruthachadh chompanaidhean is obraichean agus le bhith a’ tàladh agus a’ cumail tàlant.”
Thuirt Stiùbhart MacIlleDhuibh, Àrd-oifigear Gnìomha HIE: “Cuiridh Ionad Ùr-ghnàthachaidh nan Saidheansan Beatha taic ri iomairtean malairteach, a’ gabhail a-steach gnothachasan ùra a tha air tòiseachadh agus buidhnean a tha ag iarraidh làthaireachd a stèidheachadh sa Ghàidhealtachd is na h-Eileanan.
“Tha an dòigh-obrach com-pàirteachais agus an co-thaobhadh le Ionad Leighis Nàiseanta na Gàidhealtachd gu mòr a rèir feallsanachd cho-obrachail Àrainn Inbhir Nis. Sgaoilidh na buannachdan air feadh na sgìre agus bheir iad taic do fhàs leantainneach ann an earrainn nan saidheansan beatha. Cuidichidh seo uile a bhith a’ tàladh agus a’ cumail tàlant don sgìre.
“Tha sinn air leth toilichte fosgladh oifigeil an togalaich fhaicinn agus fàilte a chur air a’ chiad luchd-gabhail againn.”
Thuirt Ministear Riaghaltas na RA Felicity Buchan: “Tha leudachadh Campas Inbhir Nis na bhrosnachadh mòr do roinn nan saidheansan beatha, a’ cuideachadh le bhith a’ tàladh airgead-seilbhe don sgìre agus a’ cruthachadh obraichean ionadail air leth sgileil ann an rannsachadh agus teicneòlas.
“Tha fosgladh Ionad Ùr-ghnàthachaidh nan Saidheansan Beatha, air a phàirt-mhaoineachadh le £9 millean bho Riaghaltas na RA tro Chùmhnant Cathair-baile Inbhir Nis agus na Gàidhealtachd, a’ sealltainn na tha comasach nuair a thig sinn còmhla ri Riaghaltas na h-Alba, ùghdarrasan ionadail agus com-pàirtichean gus a lèirsinn cho-roinnte alìbhrigeadh do dhaoine ann an Alba.
“Tha seo na phàirt de thasgadh mòr bho Riaghaltas na RA gus Alba àrdachadh agus eaconamaidh na h-Alba fhàs. Tha seo a’ toirt a-steach còrr air £1.5 billean airson Cùmhnantan Baile is Fàis ann an Alba agus na milleanan eile ann a bhith ag àrdachadh maoineachaidh gus coimhearsnachdan a chruth-atharrachadh ann an Inbhir Nis agus air feadh na RA.”
Thuirt Ministear Ùr-ghnàthachaidh Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Ridseard Lochhead: “Tha fosgladh an Ionaid Ùr-ghnàthachaidh Saidheansan Beatha ùr a’ riochdachadh leasachadh ùr inntinneach don phrìomh roinn seo de eaconamaidh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean. Tha e math £4.8 millean fhaicinn bho Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ‘s nan Eilean a’ toirt taic do phròiseact cho brosnachail, agus tha mi a’ cur fàilte air an spiorad co-obrachaidh eadar gach com-pàirtiche a tha an sàs ann a bhith a’ ruighinn na h-ìre seo.
“Tha àite an ionaid mar dhràibhear mòr airson fàs san raon seo san àm ri teachd gu sònraichte luachmhor, agus bheir an in-thasgadh agus na h-obraichean ùra a chruthaicheas e spionnadh mòr don eaconamaidh ionadail agus don choimhearsnachd.
“Tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith a’ faicinn an rannsachaidh, an ùr-ghnàthachaidh agus na cothroman a thig bhon ionad.”
Tha an t-Ionad Ùr-ghnàthachaidh Saidheansan Beatha nuadh air buannachd fhaighinn bho £4.96m de mhaoineachadh a chaidh a thoirt seachad le Prògram na h-Alba 2014-2020 Mhaoin Leasachaidh Roinneil na h-Eòrpa. Tha seo air a dhèanamh suas de £1.21m a thugadh do HIE agus £3.75m do UHI.
Fhuair prògram saidheansan beatha UHI, a’ gabhail a-steach eileamaid Ionad Ùr-ghnàthachaidh nan Saidheansan Beatha, £9m bho Riaghaltas na RA tro Chùmhnant Baile-Roinne Inbhir Nis agus na Gàidhealtachd, a tha fo stiùir Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd. ‘S e co-iomairt a th’ anns a’ Chùmhnant a tha a’ faotainn taic le suas ri £315m de thasgadh bho riaghaltasan na RA agus na h-Alba, Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd, Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ‘s nan Eilean agus UHI, is a tha ag amas air fàs eaconamach sgìreil seasmhach a bhrosnachadh.
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu Ionad Ùr-ghnàthachaidh nan Saidheansan Beatha, tadhlaibh air