A groundbreaking one-man show exploring the powerful story of twins living with cerebral palsy has captivated young audiences across Orkney schools, marking a triumphant return of Theatre in Schools Scotland’s innovative educational programme.
‘One of Two’, written and performed by acclaimed disabled artist Jack Hunter, has been warmly received by pupils at Papdale Primary School, Sanday Community School, Westray Junior High School and Stronsay Junior High School, delivering its message of diversity and understanding through a masterful blend of comedy and drama.
The autobiographical performance, which garnered the prestigious Mary Dick Award and earned a nomination for Best Production at the Scottish Theatre Awards, chronicles the touching and often humorous journey of wheelchair user Bec and her twin Jack, who walks with a limp, as they navigate the complexities of childhood and education.
Hunter, an award-winning performer, writer and poet originally from Inverness, brings his personal experience to life through an engaging mix of sketch comedy and spoken word, including a creative portrayal of his emotional struggles embodied by a well-known disabled Sith Lord character.
The production, supported by OIC’s Arts Development service and NorthLink Ferries, represents the third successful year of partnership between Orkney Islands Council and Theatre in Schools Scotland, a collaborative project between the National Theatre of Scotland and Imaginate.
Arts Officer Emma Gee praised the production’s unflinching yet engaging approach to disability awareness, highlighting its potential to leave a lasting impression on young audiences through its combination of humour and honest storytelling.
The show’s impact extends beyond mere entertainment, with each performance followed by an interactive Q&A session and supported by comprehensive learning resources, ensuring the experience contributes meaningfully to pupils’ understanding of disability and inclusion.
Councillor Gwenda Shearer, Chair of Education, Leisure and Housing, emphasised the significance of bringing such thought-provoking drama to young people during their formative years, expressing hope that the production’s messages of kindness and inclusivity will resonate throughout their lives.
Theatre in Schools Scotland has maintained a vibrant presence in Orkney since 2016, consistently delivering high-quality theatrical experiences that challenge, inspire, and broaden horizons for island pupils, demonstrating the enduring value of bringing professional theatre directly into educational settings.
Julian Almeida, Theatre in Schools Scotland Project Manager, reinforced the organisation’s commitment to using theatre as a transformative educational tool, highlighting how productions like ‘One of Two’ offer unique perspectives that enrich young people’s worldview and creative understanding.