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Òrain Ghàidhlig ùra gan Taisbeanadh le àrd-sgoilearan na h-Alba

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Bidh òrain a sgrìobh luchd-labhairt òga na Gàidhlig a’ nochdadh aig Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail na bliadhna-sa ann am Peairt.

Thàinig na h-òrain à com-pàirteachas cruthachail, Caithream na Cruinne, eadar Fèis Rois ’s NàdarAlba.
Chuir am pròiseact taic ri seachd àrd-sgoilearan airson òrain Ghàidhlig ùra ceangailte ri nàdar ’s cruthan-tìre na h-Alba a sgrìobhadh. Fhuair an òigridh cuideachadh bho sàr luchd-ciùil traidiseanta Màiri Anna NicUalraig ’s Eòghann MacEunraig.

An-diugh (14 Dàmhair) bidh an ceòl ùr ga fhoillseachadh ann an leabhar-ciùil digiteach anns am bi na faclan ’s fuinn a leigeas le daoine eile na h-òrain ionnsachadh ’s a mhealtainn. 

Tha na h-òrain a’ cur an cèill iomagainean na h-òigridh ’s atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde an Alba ’s a’ bhuaidh air nàdar aig teis-mheadhan gach fuinn.

Chuir na h-oileanaich romhpa sgrìobhadh mu chuspairean leithid èirigh àirde na mara, truailleadh ’s maoimean-talmhainn.

Bidh iad a’ gabhail an cuid òran mar phàirt de chuirm-chiùil shònraichte aig Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail na bliadhna-sa ann am Peairt air an 17 Dàmhair.

Bidh Màiri Anna NicUalraig ’s Finlay Wells a’ cumail taic ris an òigridh ’s iad a’ toirt an cuid saothrach chun an àrd-ùrlair airson na ciad uaireach. 

Thuirt Oifigear Gàidhlig NàdarAlba, Robyn Ireland:

“Tha e mìorbhaileach gu bheil na h-òrain dùrachdach ùra seo a’ beartachadh na th’ againn de cheòl nàdair.

“Tha e iongantach gun tug builean atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde air Alba buaidh air gach sgrìobhadair.

“Tha am pròiseact seo air a bhith na dheagh dhòigh do luchd-labhairt òga na Gàidhlig an cuid sgilean cruthachail ’s cànanach a leasachadh, cho math ri bhith na chothrom dhaibh ceangal a dhèanamh ri nàdar ’s an cuid beachdan air atharrachadh na gnàth-shìde a chur an cèill.”

Thuirt Ceannard Fèis Rois, Fiona Dalgetty:

“Tha ceòl Gàidhlig riamh air èirigh bhon t-saoghal a tha mu ar cuairt agus tha am pròiseact seo a’ togail air seo – òrain ùra le dòchasan is draghan dhaoine òga aig cridhe gnothaich.

“’S e dòigh chumhachdach a th’ ann an sgrìobhadh òran gus leigeil le daoine ar guthan a chluinntinn, agus seo an dearbh rud a tha na h-òrain seo a’ dèanamh.

“Tha sinn an dòchas gun còrd na h-òrain ribh, gun ionnsaich sibh iad agus gun sìn sibh air adhart do dhaoine eile iad.” 

Mheòraich tè de na sgrìobhadairean òga, Elissa Hunter-Dorans, air a’ phròiseact:

“’S e cothrom sònraichte a bh’ ann a bhith ag obair còmhla ri cuideigin cho tàlantach ri Eòghann MacEunraig ’s e a’ toirt taic dhomh fhad ’s a sgrìobh mi an t-òran agam airson pròiseact Caithream na Cruinne.

“Tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart gu mòr ri bhith a’ taisbeanadh an òrain agam aig a’ Mhòd còmhla ris na sgrìobhadairean eile.

“Tha e cho cudromach gun tig sinn còmhla agus gun tog sinn ar faclan ’s ar guthan mar dhaoine òga, gu sònraichte leis gur ann nar làmhan-sa a tha dàn gnàth-shìde an t-saoghail.”

Gheibhear tiocaidean bho: https://www.horsecross.co.uk/whats-on/caithream-na-cruinne-199802

Scottish Secondary Pupils Showcase New Gaelic Songs at Mòd

Songs written by young Gaelic speakers will be in the spotlight at this year’s Royal National Mòd in Perth.

The songs are a result of Caithream na Cruinne, a creative collaboration between Fèis Rois and NatureScot.
The project has supported seven secondary pupils to write new Gaelic songs connected to Scotland’s nature and landscapes.
The young people were mentored by leading traditional musicians Mary Ann Kennedy and Ewen Henderson.

Today (14 October) the new music is being released in an online songbook with lyrics and sheet music for others to learn and enjoy.

The songs reflect young people’s current concerns, with Scotland’s changing climate and its impacts on nature central to each of the songs.

The pupils chose to write about themes such as rising sea levels, pollution and landslides.

They will perform their songs as part of a special lunchtime concert during this year’s Royal National Mòd in Perth on 17 October.  

Supporting the young people to bring their music to the stage for the first time will be Mary Ann Kennedy and Finlay Wells.

Robyn Ireland, Gaelic Officer at NatureScot said:

“It is fantastic to see these compelling new Gaelic songs enriching our long tradition of music inspired by nature.

“It is striking that each of the songwriters were influenced by the impact that climate change is having on Scotland.

“This project has been a wonderful way for young Gaelic speakers to develop their creative and linguistic skills, as well as connect with nature and express their feelings about climate change.”

Fiona Dalgetty, Chief Executive of Fèis Rois, added:

“Gaelic music has long taken inspiration from our surroundings and this project builds on that tradition, creating contemporary songs inspired by the hopes and concerns of young people.

“Songwriting is a powerful tool to let our voices be heard, and these new songs certainly achieve this.

“We are excited to help share the work of these young songwriters and to make their songs widely available.”

Elissa Hunter-Dorans, one of the young songwriters, reflected:

“It was an incredible opportunity to work with somebody as talented as Ewen Henderson to write my Caithream na Cruinne song.

“I am really looking forward to performing my song at the Mòd along with the others songwriters.

“It is vital that we come together and raise our voices as young people, especially since the fate of the world’s climate is in our hands.”

Tickets may be purchased at  https://www.horsecross.co.uk/whats-on/caithream-na-cruinne-199802

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